Week 11&15

First semester summary In this blog, I will use The DIEP strategy to summarize my study in the first semester. D – Describe objectively what happened The course name we learned in this semester is Design and New Media. At the beginning of the semester, Andy introduced different design methodologies to us. In the firstContinue reading “Week 11&15”

Week 10

Donald A. Norman (2005) Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. Three Levels of Processing: Visceral, Behavioral, and Reflective Visceral Level Humans have complex brain structures, the body’s visceral mechanism is the visceral layer of the human attributes that is automatically preset. Behavioral Level The part of the brain that controls daily behavior, completingContinue reading “Week 10”

Week 8

Five Essential Principles of Interaction Design: Consistency Perceivability Learnability Predictability Feedback This five essential principles help designer focus on crafting better solutions, experiences, and designs. Consistency When designs are consistent in appearance and behavior, people are able to focus on their tasks, and they’re not distracted by surprising or unexpected changes. Interaction Design Fundamentals withContinue reading “Week 8”

Week 6

Affordance The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed. 44. Affordances. Interaction Design Foundation. 2011. Affordances. Video. The concept of affordance is a direct perception of the possibility for action. It’s not enough that a successful design is merely rational and logical. Good and intuitive design is something that allows users to see directly and correctly whatContinue reading “Week 6”

Week 4

Bill Verplank: Opening Keynote User experience is mainly divided into three aspects: user does, thinks and feels. User does: User does is usually based on user needs. Designer need to know about what the user wants from this behavior, and consider how to influence people’s living and working environment through design, also enhance human communication andContinue reading “Week 4”

Week 3

PERSONAS Lynda.com tutorial on Creating Personas, presented by Chris Nodder. Personas needs to collect different user information, analyse and define group and target users, use the date already have and also make assumptions where need. During this week’s tutorial, Andy gave examples of two different user groups, respectively, hedgehog and fox. Hedgehogs go around and smell whenContinue reading “Week 3”

Week 2

Design thinking is an essential tool for simplifying and humanizing. (Kolko, J., 2015) The presentation of design thinking provides designers with a new way of thinking, and this way of solving problems has a positive effect on companies trying to innovate and societies eager to change. First, design thinking focuses on users’ emotional experience, buildsContinue reading “Week 2”

week 1

By reading two articles, The Future of Design: When you come to a fork in the road, take it and The People Formerly Known as the Audience. I summarized the changes of three roles, respectively, design, designer and audiences. Design:  The traditional design is to create beautiful and happy things through the designer’s skills, and is completed by theContinue reading “week 1”

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