Week 6

This week, we had a 3-day workshop with two teachers from Germany. At the first workshop on Monday, teachers showed us some of their projects on font design. I remember that there was a project that looked for typographic inspiration from the texts and graphics of many different countries. Then, make different font categories through similar graphics, such as decoration, serif, loop and stencil. Then use polymorph to open the mind, select a basic font and put it in the center. Change some details, these details are small graphics found in the previous text and graphics research. As a result, a lot of special fonts have been developed. They have similarities and uniqueness at the same time.

Then in the following workshop, we used paper with small squares to make a sketch design of fonts. At first, teachers asked us to design from ‘n’ and ‘o’, because these two letters can be easily developed into other letters, such as ‘h’ ‘p’ ‘q’. I feel very interesting.

In the workshop on the second day, the teacher introduced us a font design website called Fontstruct. We can use this website to develop Monday’s sketch into digital. Because the website has grids and different graphics, we can organize and vary and easily modify.

In the last workshop on Wednesday, we printed the fonts in black and white and pasted them on the wall. The overall effect was very good. My font is inspired by Mosaic, in addition, some triangles were added to the right angle, which played a curving role. It was my first experience to make a whole set of fonts by myself, and I learned some knowledge about fonts, which gave me a great sense of achievement.

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