Week 4

Video: Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

In this speech, the speaker said that the design projects can be divided into now, next and future. Countless futuristic technologies have been created in design and other film and television creations. But the speaker proposed an idea called “the future mundane.” And explains the concept of the future mundane in three different ways.

1. The future mundane is filled with background talent

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

Pay more attention to mundane people and things in future design. In science fiction movies, it is common to construct an environment in which the hero saves the world. But in real life people don’t have superpowers. Therefore, “hero” design project makes mundane people feel distant and lack of sense of reality. But if this design just for fun, that’s fine. If not, future design should focus on mundane characters, such as mundane people living in the world, and mundane things in daily life. That’s design can makes people feel more fun or generate more creative ideas, also more realistic.

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

2. The future mundane is an accretive space

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

Don’t abandon old things in future design, because old and new things coexist. Our design should constantly develop and innovate based on the existing things, instead of abandoning the existing things and blindly developing new innovations and technologies. Because “What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational” (G. W. F. Hegel). Take the essence and discard the dregs is what we need to do in future design.

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

3. The future mundane is a bit broken

Nick Foster (2016), Future Mundane a talk

Why the fascinating and magical technology of future design attractive people, it’s not just because creativity but in seeing that things will fail in the future. Technology can’t be perfect, and the most common reaction to technology is to focus on its failures. What can’t it do or what do people expect it to do. Describing the future as something slightly broken will make people pay more attention to it and have more curiosity about it. A little failure will make people understand, thus developing a more perfect future.

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