Week 11&15

First semester summary

In this blog, I will use The DIEP strategy to summarize my study in the first semester.

D – Describe objectively what happened

The course name we learned in this semester is Design and New Media. At the beginning of the semester, Andy introduced different design methodologies to us.


In the first project about bike, we used 5C Mode to develop the project. First is collect information, then comprehend, and finally developing concepts and creating, it’s a group project so we need collaborate.

The second project name is Exhibitionists is related to the user. We went to the science museum to collect user information, which was a good experience. In this project we learned about how to make personas and user experience map, also to understand the User Centred Design, studied the PACT (Particular PEOPLE carry out particular ACTIVITIES in particular CONTEXTS using particular TECHNOLOGIES). Through the study of the second project, I know that design needs to pay attention to the emotional experience of users, establish empathy, and understand what kind of experience users want through design.

UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet – Sarah Gibbons http://bit.ly/2SbxXhd

The third project is to design the weather app. In this project, we learned to make physical prototypes and paper prototypes. Through prototyping and user testing, we can develop ideas and test quickly in the early stages. The advantage of paper prototypes is that they help designers better understand users’ needs and emotions, even if the test fails, we can quickly give up on the next idea.

Physical prototypes and Paper prototypes

The fourth project is the development of the third project. We need to select a machine and control it through app. In this project, we need to integrate what we have learned in this semester. From preliminary user research, information collection, to prototype testing, then final outcome is pixel-perfect mock-ups. This project contains the knowledge we have learned in the whole semester. Also I learned to use adobe XD to make app interfaces which made me happy.

I – Interpret the events

In this semester, I attended some workshops and got exposed to some printing techniques that I had never been exposed to before. Such as, Riso printing and screen printing. These printing techniques allow books and posters to be presented in a better form.

I also attended the letterpress printing workshop. In this workshop, we learned about the grid system and completed font layout by drawing the grid. After class, I read Grid systems in graphic design, the author is Josef Müller-Brockmann. Knowing that the grid system is used for typography shows that the designer conceived and designed in a structured and predictable way. At the same time, it will make the layout designed more direct, clear and easy to understand.

At the end of the semester, I participated in the coding emotions workshop. This is a very interesting workshop, which use code to enrich web design make website more interesting. Although I can only learn some basic knowledge from the workshop, because programming is very complicated. However, I was very happy and excited to see the finished product after the final modification of the code given by the teacher. However, after the final revision of the code given by the teacher, I was still very happy and excited to see the finished product.

E – Evaluate what you learned

What I have learned in this semester makes me feel that I am one step closer to user experience design. In the previous projects of the semester, we had to work as a team to complete the project. Let me know how important teamwork is, sharing ideas and knowledge with others can help you think more widely and get more ideas. And everyone has their own good points, we can learn from each other.

When I started the last project about app design, I found that all the knowledge I used was acquired through the previous several projects. I need to combine what I have learned before to complete this project. At the same time, I also found some of my shortcomings. If I had more time, I might have done more user research to make personas and user experience maps more complete. After all, user information is very important. I also hope my English level can be improved, don’t be afraid to communicate with others in English, if I can speak English more confidently, I believe I can get more useful knowledge.

P – Plan how this learning will be applied

The knowledge I gained in this semester is about design thinking. Such as, establish empathy and understand the emotional experience of users, prototyping, user test and tolerance for failure. All of these will play an important role in my future career because any knowledge is useful. These knowledge can lay a foundation for my future career and life, so that I can have more career choices. I hope I can continue to work on design
in the future and become a designer. Because design is a very interesting process, there will be a sense of achievement. Then I also hope that I can use my knowledge to teach students to be a teacher. This is a career wish that seems unreachable now. However, I believe that with every step of my efforts and continuous accumulation of knowledge, I can gradually achieve my goal.

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